Super Quant

Spicy Win Streaks from on September 22nd, 2022
Gems 25k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Yup, another spicy streak using the exact same build. Although this one is more justifiable. Extra Monster Zone basically made this deck more powerful, as you do not have to pop a card to have a free space for King Magnus, so you can have your own Towers Colossus with ease now... under certain conditions.

Yeah this deck, while strong, will suffer through this meta full of backrow going second and having a very specific hand to have a King Magnus with 6 materials, but going second against 2 to 3 backrow is more problematic. Any disruption kills this deck, which really, it does most decks with no backrow removal, but hey... Where is the Hey Trunade unhit when we actually need it? Hopefully when VRAINS world comes out the backrow-heavy meta will just disappear so this deck would not struggle against anything going second.

Anyway, White Layer and Lusterrex in next week main box COPIUM

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