Hazy Flame

King of Games from on September 3rd, 2023
Gems 37k + $11
25 cards

Notes & Combos

I think this is the fastest I've reached KoG with Hazy. Both the buffed Gearfried and mini-Tenyi package make this deck just a bit more flexible, and that helps out a lot in complex gamestates like Dingirsu + backrow, since Vishuda demands an answer to prevent the unceremonious removal of Ding. I originally took out Mars to make room for Vishuda, but I found that I missed Mars just enough that I took out a copy of Cerb and put him back in.

Vishuda also benefits from the 2nd effect of Agni, and there were games where A stray Agni got hit by Dark hole, retrieved Vishuda, and gave me enough resources to make a comeback. I sometimes missed having rank 7 Gaia, but the versatility Vish offered made up for it.

While this is normally the part where I complain that nearly every Orcust I played against opened Recycler and/or Harp without fail, the complete lack of Speedroid on ladder more than made up for it.

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