Time Thief

King of Games from on October 2nd, 2024
Gems 41k
23 cards

Notes & Combos

Extra deck:

Third going first XYZes are unneeded win more cards - Redoer + Perpetua + staples, with followup for turn 3 in hand, are enough.

Load up on extra deck that lets you play or out problems (Trishula the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment, Powercode, Utopia the Lightning to beat over Darkfluid etc.) or break boards/OTK (diamond wolf) rather than those.

Nightingale is here because some goobers in Legend rank still run Lyrilusc - Phantom Feathers (cut it immediately once that nonsense ends). Powercode is here because Bishbaalkin lives.

2 Perpetua comes up quite frequently since you commit one turn 1 and if your board gets broken she's your only way back into your engine interrupts. Definitely worth the extra slot.

If I need to explain why Raider into Arc Reb are here, you've never played this deck. Honorary archetype boss.

Dire Wolf is the best extra deck card no one runs. It's sooo good at enabling OTKs and wiping boards after eclipse or removing backrow before committing on later turns, plus chronocorder floating off it makes it low investment. Better than Castel and means you don't need Vespenato anymore unlike with him.

Number 70 alongside Dire Wolf lets you 1 card OTK off Winder after you eclipse flip 2 monsters. Sounds situational, happens alot and frequently comes up for other OTK scenarios turn 3 onwards.

Phoenix is the least used monster after Nightingale, but the ability to free up zones (e.g. negated Dire Wolf) while removing cards comes up from time to time so having a Link-2 is a good idea.

Staples: Currently running Cosmic > MST to not fill striker GYs or give them free Rayes. Lance in these slots works about equally well - choose by preference.

Veiler is budget Droplet and sorta sucks. Helps alot more in the mirror than Droplet does but if you're gonna replace a staple, pick this one.

Eclipse is still the best card around even with Darkfluid and Striker existing again now. Definitely max out on it.

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