Nurse Burn

King of Games from on May 6th, 2024
Gems 25k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Yeah this is going to get banned REALLLLL soon.

It makes use of what is essentially a bug, Master of destiny if working for my opponents coin tosses rather than mine (he will always get heads) so he will always lose -2k. Two traps + Nurse and he's donezo. It should be working like Head judging where making the opponent toss doesnt gurantee heads but simultaneous coinflips are not coded correctly.

Deck does NOT lose to chalice/Book of moon btw, if you get all 3 traps (which you do at least half your games if not more) and activate them individually, no matter when they try to negate the nurse you just chain to the negate. Only 2 traps need to resolve. Only thing to watch out for when playing this is cup of Ace counts towards the tosses so if you use 2 Ace 2 traps is no longer guranteed lethal (3 still is tho).

Final thing, don't just assume you lost because you went second. My final Kog run I went second Twice, one against a Lunalight who set up just an Evilswarm Nightmare and the other was a not so bright blue-eyes player who didn't remove the nurse instantly and let the the turns switch. Youll be suprised how many matchups dont often end on a way to remove nurse, they just rely on negates (crystal wing, Dark requiem ect.) that have no effect on this deck.

Shoutouts to Yungbae (the other kog list here) Mine is just an exact copy.

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