Infernoble Knight

King of Games from on August 13th, 2024
Gems 62k + $11
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Fleur Infernobles felt very powerful once I got the hang of the deck's intricacies but its power level feels very volatile depending on your open hand. Unchained gave the hardest time against this deck but I don’t think there’s any bad matchups if you draw decently and put in some effort to play around interactions.

The main difference with my list is that I trade out a couple utility equips and the non-synchro Roland for 3 Dark Hole. This spell is incredibly strong in this deck when going second for the same reasons as Sauge de Fleur. Popping your Necro Fleur that you get from the skill when going second while simultaneously popping your opponent’s cards practically guarantees a follow-up Dingirsu for a GY send and generally triggering an unstoppable steamroller of card advantage before even committing to a Normal Summon or any of the Infernoble cards. Also, you can easily slap an Ogier equip on any of your Warrior monsters to keep them from being destroyed if you use Dark Hole after the first turn.

Even after hitting KoG I don’t feel like I’ve fully mastered the deck and I think some of my going second lines and general grind game strategies have room for improvement. I'd highly recommend anyone trying to learn this deck to stop by the Infernobles channel on the DLM discord or to find relevant Youtube combo tutorials to get the hang of the basics.

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VS OG Noble Knights (lol):

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