Spellbooks Deck Breakdown


The box set Visions of Ice included two new archetypes, most notably being Spellbooks. The deck's main focus is controlling the board which is done by consistently being able to use Loading... every turn to disrupt any play your opponent tries to make. Because of Loading... and Loading... , the deck is very consistent as these cards give the player access to nearly their entire deck. Once Spellbooks are able to make a board, especially with Loading... , they can consistently keep their advantage and make it extremely difficult for their opponent to win.

Deck Statistics

Meta Pro
Tournaments only
Average size: 30 cards

Top Extra Deck

Popular Skills

automated based on the last few weeks of KoG + tournament decks

Sample Deck

Sep 2024 KoG September 27th, 2024
Gems 87.5k
30 cards

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